Monday, 19 November 2012

Calling all multi-taskers ...

Let's talk about butts, specifically, let's talk about the ever-larger cushion attaching itself to my ass.  I am at a very precarious point here where my ass is so sore from being sat on, but I am oh-so exhausted from all that sitting, that all I really want to do is sit.  Feel me dawg?

I recently had the brilliant idea to go back to school, thinking I could coast through yet another class with targeted, yet minimal efforts.  The problem is, I actually care about what I am taking and I have officially enrolled in a distance PR program instead of the one-off business courses I was taking at the university (all very helpful, logical and above all boring).  The only drawback is that the class is very labour-intensive - thank goodness I only decided to take one course this semester! Someone hold me back if I ever suggest two again!

All of this would be fine if only I was not working full-time, if I had not decided to buy a house and have it renovated and if I did not do any volunteer work.

The result of the above is that I have been spending 16+ hours a day on my butt either doing my job, doing my homework, changing my address, booking contractors, participating in conference calls and frig, I forgot to pack!  I have also been eating a lot of peanut butter and jelly - and yes, I fully support the hydrogenated PB, none of that natural stuff for me!  (I have tried, I have failed). The Halloween candy at work is plaguing me and every day I bring my gym gear.  At the end of each work day I debate whether or not I should push through until the lights go out, or head to the gym and then go back to the office to continue working.  Well, everyone knows that if you leave, you definitely are not coming back, so I go with option A.  Which then leads me to doing quick cardio before I pick up my husband (average twice per week) or heading home to recover from the "exhaustion" of sitting.

Both the apartment and the house should now be listed as hazard zones, between the boxes, laundry and suitcases it is unsafe to be in either location.  I see sunlight on the drive to work, but otherwise, perhaps some vitamins are in order.  Occasionally when the mood takes me I do the token five or six flights of stairs so that I can say that I took a break and exercised!  Ha!  To top it all off, I have the lamest injury every - I injured my rib from too much sitting!  This is not even embellishment for comic effect. I injured my rib while sitting.  Specifically, my back has been going crazy (I have back issues and therefore have memorized my chiropractor and massage therapists' numbers), which put pressure somehow on my rib.  It no longer hurts to breathe and I no longer hyperventilate when lying on my stomach, but there is a definite dull ache that will not go away (likely because I am still literally sitting on my butt as I type this post).

So, my question to all of you multi-taskers (yes, all you mothers out there), how do you do it?  How do you fit in exercise when it seems impossible?  More importantly, where do you get the energy - without coffee (I am not a coffee drinker) and chocolate!  Au secours, I need help!

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